About Us

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To provide services that enhance the wellbeing and resilience of individuals and community.

Chinchilla Community Centre is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation delivering community services to Chinchilla and districts for 40 years. Our purpose is to provide support to, and advocate for, members of our community, particularly those who are vulnerable or disadvantaged. We operate a case management approach to assist people with complex situations, and we foster connection and inclusion in the community.

The Chinchilla Community Centre operates as a Centrelink Agent. Other government-funded services we offer include Community Connect, Youth Connect, and Emergency Relief. Unfunded services include Justice of the Peace service, job vacancy information and resume preparation, free clothes rail and community garden.

We are committed to improving opportunity and wellbeing within our community. We host events that encourage community connectedness, inclusion, celebration, and social interaction including Women’s Week, Mental Health Week, and NAIDOC Week.

Our staff also manage the multi-tenant building in which we are located.

The Chinchilla Community Centre is governed by a Board of Management. All reporting (program and financial) is undertaken in accordance with each funding agreement, Office of Fair Trading and ACNC requirements. Finances are audited annually, and this report is submitted to funding bodies, presented at the AGM, and is available on our website.


“Our vision is to build a sense of community by creating an inclusive and empowering environment”